Friday, January 14, 2011

So I'm a Blogger Now

I created this blog a while ago, but I've never written in it. I guess I just don't know what to say. Or maybe I am out of practice. Whatever the reason, I'm going to try and use it now. I realize that I have a story to tell. I suppose we all do. And this seems to be the medium in which we tell our stories now. So here goes, my first blog post:

Laundry Rooms are kind of peaceful to me. In college, I always tried to pick the day that no one else was doing their laundry. I would listen to the steady hum of the machines while I did homework or read, or even prayed. That's right, I prayed to the beat of the washing machine.

These days, I have a lot more laundry to do. Two little boys and a husband, plus my own wardrobe of "mom clothes," and not to mention diapers, which are washed and reused in our house. I still like to do laundry. I close the door and put in my earbuds, and enter another world, where I fold clothes to the beat of my playlist of the day.

There's something calming about the order of laundry. It is a chore that requires very little thought other than determining which Cars pajamas belong to which child, and why my three year old has no socks, despite the fact that I've bought him four packs in the past year. While I am doing laundry, I can think about other things, things that matter.

I guess that's what this blog is really about, the things I think about while I do laundry. Sure, it's really just another blog about another mom. But my blog is different, because I am different. You may find me dull for finding peace in laundry, but that's okay. On the other hand, if you want to know what a young mom thinks about while she is in the laundry room, keep reading. The answers might surprise you.